매일 영어 스터디
[Part 1]
- alleviate the discomforts 통증을 완화시키다
- accumulate knowledge 지식을 축적하다
- They admired her ability. 그들은 그녀의 능력을 칭찬했다.
- the world's most affluent countries 세계에서 가장 부유한 국가들
- manipulate minds 마음을 조종하다
- The trains are now defunct. 기차들의 기능이 정지되었다.
- Convery your message. 메시지를 전달하세요.
- Consent was needed. 합의가 필요했다.
- The plan was capsized. 계획이 뒤집어졌다.
- All the cars have to decelerate. 모든 자동차는 속도를 줄여야 한다.
- deceptive information 거짓된 정보
- They declared an independence. 그들은 독립을 선언했다.
- this egregious mistake 이 터무니없는 실수
- The disk ejected from the computer. 디스크가 컴퓨터에서 빠져나왔다.
- an elaborate official investigation. 정밀한 공식 조사
- abstract art form 추상적인 예술 형태
- too abstruse to apply 너무 난해해서 적용할 수 없다
- It is absurd. 이건 불합리해요.
- illegal abuse 불법적인 남용
- He looked bemused. 그는 멍해 보였다.
- offer the benediction 축도를 하다
- negotiate with them at your discretion 네 재량으로 그들과 협상해.
- become a white elephant 성가신 것이 되다
- He is a wet blanket. 그는 흥을 깨는 사람이다.
- weeded fakes out from the collection 소장품에서 모조품들을 제거하다
- His car wore out. 그의 차는 낡았다.
- We have to watch over our parents well. 우리는 부모님을 잘 보살펴야 한다.
- waste money on stupid things 쓸데없는 것에 돈을 쓰다
- ward off high blood pressure 고혈압을 피하다
- He walked out on his family. 그는 자신의 가족을 버렸다.
[Part 2]
- She is aloof. 그녀는 냉담해.
- The grass is ample. 풀이 풍부해.
- Her decision is audacious. 그녀의 결정은 대담해.
- an amalgam of others' works 다른 이들의 작품의 혼합물
- captivate all the audience 관객을 사로잡다
- disclose the truth 진실을 드러내다
- Encapsulate the story. 이야기를 요약해라.
- I didn't want to impede his study. 그의 공부를 방해하고 싶지 않았다.
- They are not eligible for the gob. 그들은 그 일에 적합하지 않아.
- Eliminate junk food. 정크푸드를 제거하세요.
- The aftermath of the earthquake is abysmal. 그 지진의 여파는 최악이다.
- Accentuate the last chapter. 마지막 장을 강조해.
- Keep your phone close and easily accessible. 전화를 가까이에 두고 쉽게 접근할 수 있게 하세요.
- a benevolent social worker 친절한 사회복지사
- delinquent attitude 비행적인 태도
- a nautical bent 항해의 소질
- bereft of reason 제정신을 잃은
- I was beset by difficulties. 나는 어려움들에 괴롭힘을 당했다.
- The melody is catchy. 멜로디가 기억하기 쉽다.
- the majority of Catholic Americans 미국 가톨릭 신자의 대다수
- The inheritance should actually be ceded to you. 그 유산은 사실 너에게 상속되어야 해.
- Children under five are at stake. 5세 이하 아이들이 위험에 처해 있다.
- people from all walks of life 각종 직업을 가진 사람들
- I waited on my grandmother. 나는 할머니의 시중을 들었다.
- I can vouch for the fact. 내가 보장하지.
- vice versa 반대로(도 그렇다)
- ushered in a new era 새로운 시대를 열다
- We have used up our savings. 우리는 저축한 것을 다 써버렸다.
- This article shows up-to-the-minute trends. 이 기사는 최신 트렌드를 보여준다.
- the ups and downs of life 인생의 기복
[Part 1]
- alleviate the discomforts
- accumulate knowledge
- They admired her ability.
- the world's most affluent countries
- manipulate minds
- The trains are now defunct.
- Convery your message.
- Consent was needed.
- The plan was capsized.
- All the cars have to decelerate.
- deceptive information
- They declared an independence.
- this egregious mistake
- The disk ejected from the computer.
- an elaborate official investigation.
- abstract art form
- too abstruse to apply
- It is absurd.
- illegal abuse
- He looked bemused.
- offer the benediction
- negotiate with them at your discretion
- become a white elephant
- He is a wet blanket.
- weeded fakes out from the collection
- His car wore out.
- We have to watch over our parents well.
- waste money on stupid things
- ward off high blood pressure
- He walked out on his family.
[Part 2]
- She is aloof.
- The grass is ample.
- Her decision is audacious.
- an amalgam of others' works
- captivate all the audience
- disclose the truth
- Encapsulate the story.
- I didn't want to impede his study.
- They are not eligible for the gob.
- Eliminate junk food.
- The aftermath of the earthquake is abysmal.
- Accentuate the last chapter.
- Keep your phone close and easily accessible.
- a benevolent social worker
- delinquent attitude
- a nautical bent
- bereft of reason
- I was beset by difficulties.
- The melody is catchy.
- the majority of Catholic Americans
- The inheritance should actually be ceded to you.
- Children under five are at stake.
- people from all walks of life
- I waited on my grandmother.
- I can vouch for the fact.
- vice versa
- ushered in a new era
- We have used up our savings.
- This article shows up-to-the-minute trends.
- the ups and downs of life
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[Day 01] abandon, aggravate (0) | 2019.12.18 |